House Colours

Term 1
Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 April
Term 2
Mon 28 April - Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 July - Fri 19 Sept
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct - Tue 16 Dec

School Policies

International Student Education

International students are placed in a mainstream class to provide as much opportunity to interact with English-speaking students as possible.

A buddy is appointed to assist with orientation.

First language support is accessed through teaching staff using an interpreter when needed. Access to outside agencies is arranged by the school if necessary.

Students are expected to take part in all aspects of the programme, including Physical Education and Outdoor Education programmes.

An initial student assessment is administered to determine appropriate placement within an instructional group using Ministry of Education criteria.

Students are withdrawn from their mainstream class and provided with English lessons in small group situations on a regular basis, taught by a fully registered New Zealand teacher, Mrs Sally Logan. We are very fortunate to have someone of her calibre who has a real passion for the teaching of English to second language students.

Problems for students are rare but should this occur, every effort is made to rectify the situation. Teachers willingly speak with parents and an appointment can be made with the Principal at any time. In addition, there is a procedure to follow as part of the Complaints Policy which is held at the School.

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