House Colours

Term 1
Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 April
Term 2
Mon 28 April - Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 July - Fri 19 Sept
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct - Tue 16 Dec

School Policies

Creative Arts

SewingAll students participate in the creative arts. They are part of the National Curriculum, and are part of the daily timetable. Teaching the arts is very much part of the school’s culture and this is sometimes integrated with other curriculum areas.

We are fortunate to have a music specialist who is responsible for all class music and teaches each class weekly.

We are also privileged to have art specilaist that all students have the opportunity to attend on a regular basis.

A highlight is a school musical production that is performed biennially by all year 5 and 6 students. As well, arts festivals and junior Christmas concerts are performed regularly.

In addition, a range of extra-curricular activities are offered to students, for example, jump jam and gymnastics, and we strongly encourage all year 5 and 6 students particularly to be involved with at least one of these.

The opportunities offered are as follows:

Year level
Room 16, 17, 18 Orchestra
Year 5/6
All year
Thursdays 8.30am-9.30am
Mr Tony Ramsay
Room 14, 15  Orchestra
Year 5/6
All year
Fridays 8.30am-930am
Mr Tony Ramsay
Senior Choir
Year 5/6
All year
Mondays 12.45-1.20pm
Miss Rebekah Waller
Boys’ Choir
Year 6
All year
Thursdays 8.30am-9.30am
Mr Tony Ramsay
Rock group
Year 5/6
All year
Thursdays 12.45pm-1.20pm
Mr Tony Ramsay
Year 3/4
All year
Wednesdays 8.30am-9.15am
Miss Rebekah Waller
Middle Choir
Year 3/4
All year
Wednesdays 12.45pm-1.20pm
Mrs Wendy Saelmans
Jump Jam
Year 6
As available Lunch times Ivy Bright
Kapa haka
Junior kapa haka
Years 1-3
All year
Fridays 8-8.45am
Ali Barrett
Senior kapa haka
Years 4-6
All year
Thursdays 1pm-2pm
Garry Pratt/Seann Ashley
Chess Club
Years 4-6
Term 2-4
Wednesdays 8am-9am
Clarinda Franklin

Notification about when to register for any one activity will be in the fortnightly newsletter that is sent to all parents and/or daily notices. If you miss deadlines please make contact as often, although not always, we are able to accommodate your child.

Students are expected to be committed and attend regularly because we see this as an important part of learning. Sometimes children need encouragement for this to happen so we appreciate parent support.

Opportunities to perform to an audience are considered an important part of being a group member.

Teacher contacts are as follows:

Those wanting to learn musical instruments at Hauraki outside of school hours should make contact with MEC, email or free phone 0800 89 39 39. Other opportunities for music, dance, drama or art tuition may appear in the fortnightly newsletters from time to time.

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