House Colours

Term 1
Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 April
Term 2
Mon 28 April - Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 July - Fri 19 Sept
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct - Tue 16 Dec

School Policies


Executive Committee 2023 

Sarah Furlong

Steve Eagles

Victoria Gaylard


Catherine Steel

The PTA meets once a month usually on a Tuesday at 7pm in the school staffroom.  We're always happy to see new faces.  We perform a valuable role in raising much-needed money to contribute to the school's operating budget and special projects.  We also provide social functions and being involved is a great way to meet fellow parents.   

Come along and hear what the PTA's up to.  If you have fundraising ideas, even better.

Next meeting - check the calendar

A special welcome to all Junior parents!

Don't forget you can also find out what's happening on the Hauraki School Facebook page

Hauraki PTA Vision and Mission

Hauraki PTA Vision and Mission - Korean
Hauraki PTA Vision and Mission - Korean
Hauraki PTA Vision and Mission - Korean

Hauraki PTA Vision and Mission - Chinese

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