House Colours

Term 1
Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 April
Term 2
Mon 28 April - Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 July - Fri 19 Sept
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct - Tue 16 Dec

School Policies

School Houses

HousepointsOn enrolment each child is allocated a House: North, East, West or South that they will belong to throughout their time at Hauraki. Siblings are in the same House.

House competitions both inside and outside are ongoing, points are earned, and the totals are announced at fortnightly whole school assemblies. The winning House flies their flag on the pole outside the school office. At the end of the year the overall winning House is announced and presented with the shield that is kept in the glass cabinet in the school foyer.

We encourage children to wear a House t-shirt for sports days and competitive events. These are available from the school office at $15 each.

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