House Colours

Term 1
Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 April
Term 2
Mon 28 April - Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 July - Fri 19 Sept
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct - Tue 16 Dec

School Policies


Healthy foodHealthy eating is promoted at Hauraki School. We encourage parents to pack healthy morning teas and lunches that include fresh and/or dried fruit. Please bear in mind that we strongly discourage sweet treats and predominantly packaged food.

Also nuts and nut bars are banned at Hauraki School because of severely allergic children currently on our roll.

Please talk to your children about their lunches so that they are happy to eat the food provided. Check that the amount that your child has is appropriate. Some children have too much and others occasionally do not have enough!

Children should bring their lunch to school each day and something for morning tea as well. No glass containers or sweets are allowed.

Pita Pit orders are taken on Mondays, Subway on Wednesdays and sushi lunches on Fridays.

Sausage sizzles are provided by the PTA once or twice a term as a treat only!

Read the school's food policy here


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