House Colours

Term 3
Mon 22 July  – Fri 27 Sept
Term 4
Mon 14 Oct – TBC

Labour Day
Monday 28 October

School Policies

Enrolment Procedures

We welcome children to Hauraki School providing they live within the school zone, have been accepted under the ballot system, or as an international student.

Hauraki boyChildren turning five years of age will normally begin school in either week 1 or week 5 of any given term depending on which is closest to their birthday.  

To assist with transition to school, two visits for the child and parent normally take place on a Tuesday and Thursday morning before their start date.  

A parent meeting to outline general school procedures normally takes place on the Thursday as part of the school visit. Children beginning school at the start of a year will have the opportunity for their two school visits at the end of the preceding year. 

Dates and times of visits will be provided in writing after the enrolment form is received and normally several weeks before the visits.  Open days are held at the school periodically in any given year. These are advertised through the local kindegartens abd in school newsletters. Parents, however, are welcome to visit the school at any other time to meet with the Principal and/or enjoy a tour of the school and to see programmes in action.

Our aim is to make the transition to school a positive one and as smooth as possible.

To enrol, download the enrolment form and post it to Hauraki School once it is completed.

Non-resident international students can find out more enrolment information in the International Students section.

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